Sacred Journey into the Mayan lands - September 2005:
the ancient Mayan Wisdom

IxChel, Chac & Chacua:
activation and balancing of the divine feminine and masculine principals within

Ceremony in front of a pyramid

Sacred Journey 2005

The importance of travelling to the sacred land of the Mayans:

In the last years, during my sacred journeys with Don Hunbatz Men and Drunvalo Melchizedek (Flower of Life & Merkabah) I could experience the importance of travelling with groups to different ancient sacred power spots FLOWER OF LIFEto reactivate them and to heal ourselves.

Through these activations a healing for all participants and their families at home could happen. The Mayan sites often "re"connect us to the stars, the sky, the past and the future. During all these journeys we strongly realized that Mother earth, the ancient peoples, as for instance the Mayans in Yucatan and the Anazasi in 4-corners/USA needed our help to find peace (please read Letters from Drunvalo about our journeys on These peoples and the land they lived on could then find balance in our so called "new times" (at the end of our journey to 4-corners Sommer 2002, it actually started to rain after nine months of draught).

The ancient people that suddenly left the earth surface, were emprisoned in the inner earth. They needed the help of those, who as a group were completely ready to open up to the light and to love.CEREMONY WITH CRYSTAL SKULL Healing took place every minute for the participants and for Mother Earth during these journeys. A balance between the inner and outer worlds could be restored and nature started to heal.

We all know the following law of nature: "All I heal in myself, will heal in others too, where ever they live". My personal healing will simultaniously heal Mother Earth. The healing of the Mayans, the freeing of the ancient sacred prayers and blessings, the restoring of the ancient geometrical structures and grids in and around the pyramids will heal allof us! After all we are ONE!

All participants from Europe, America and other countries MAYA CALENDAR could take these new vibrations home and radiate them out (send them out) to theirs countries (town, family and children) and anchor them. In this way a healing on a much higher level and in more parts of the world was made possible. Many who came with us on past journeys, continued to be in a healing and transformation proces for a longer time after they got home and started express more of their own soullight into their daily lives.

By education we are used to admire the spiritual leaders, Elders and Priests of the indigenious peoples and our expectations are extremely high. Many lightworkers though experienced in the lastSACRED MAYAN CAVE FOR CEREMONIES years how important they themselves are for the evolution and healing of the earth and the universe. They are going to help change the world and they are an important part of the changes we already see on Mother Earth. Together with the Indigo generation, the Elders and spiritual people we can make a real change!

Following questions could be asked though: "Why do we have to activate the pyramids in Mexico? Why can´t the Mayans or other indigenious people do it themselves? Did they loose their connection with their spiritual power?" I believe that the time has come, that we walk the path of light hand in hand! We should and must help each other to be able to remember the past and the future, so that the missing wisdom and knowledge can come out of the dark into the light. Don Hunbatz Men always invited people from around the world TEMPLE CHICANNA(white people from western countries and Elders and others from South American and Asian countries) to participate in the activation of the Mayan temples and pyramids. As a bridge builder he is a pioneer. Many Elders of others countries do the same.

Perhaps the time has come at the end of this long cycle (the Maya calender says it ends december 2012. A new cycle will begin) that we come together as ONE and start caring for our beloved Mother Earth as ONE? Those who travel often to the ancient sacred spots are being called to bring people to these vortexes. Mother Earth, the Mayans and the Ancient Ones are calling us as ONE.

Sacred Journey September 2005:
In September 2005 we connected with many Light Beings in many sacred spots, temples, pyramids. With the God Chac, the most important archetypal Star Elder in Mayan Cosmology, with Chacua, his female counterpart, to balance the divine female and male Qualities in us. The Moon Goddess Ixchel will invite us too to connect with her, she is the mate of Izamna, one of the highest Mayan Gods. They gave birth to the 4 directions! In ceremonies, channelings, rituals, STAR WITH XAMUK´U dances and meditations we will connect with these high Light Beings and the energetic realms they represent.

We are being guided to explore our relationship and commune with this powerful Star Elder and with Chacua. Working with the amplification of crystal skulls and other sacred objects while following the guidance of Spirit, we will perform ceremony on Chac's altars at the sites of Kabah, Mayapan, Chichen Itza, Uxmal, Chicanna and Calakmul during the time of the Vernal Equinox 2005. Star Johnsen Moser will guide us while working with her crystal skulls and the ancient Tibetan Grandmother Crystal Skull that Carolina will bring to Mexico.

Chac is one of the Star Elders from Orion. He has been called the Rain God, God of the Fluids, the great Serpent of the Sky, the God of fertiliy, the God of the Rainbows etc., and his image adorns many Mayan Temples in the Mayan lands. We also find many Chac altars in different centers. The presence of Chac and Chacua is found in many power spotsGOD CHAC around and in the temples and ist extremely strong. We can intuitively start to understand and experience the embodiment of the divine feminine principle "Chacua".

Star Johnsen Moser writes: "From my own experience with this beautiful Presence at Chicanna 10 years ago, I understood that we fully embody the Divine Female Principle (Chacua) so that we can then embody the Divine Male Principle (Chac). Divine Inner Sacred Union of our two Cosmic Principles. Then we can walk in perfect balance and wholeness. Chac and Chacua seem to be Archetypes, very powerful Star Elders".

Carolina Hehenkamp says: "Chanting and dancing at the sacred sites opens our remembrance. Healing of our female and male wounds and blockages can happen instantly, as we reconnect with our divine inner balance".

IX CHEL - MOON GODDESS & ITZAMA - GREAT CREATOR: Einer der wichtigsten Götter der Maya war Itzamal, supremo creador y protector de la escritura. Su esposa, o contraparte, es la diosa Ix-Chel, 'Señora del Arco iris', diosa de los partos y, por tanto, mito estrechamente relacionado con la fertilidad. La placenta de Ix Chel es una telaraña de la que cuelga la vida a través del cordón umbilical.

The sacred journey guides:

Star Johnsen Moser, Mayan Erik Solis and Carolina Hehenkamp


on special occasions ceremonies will be guided by: Don Pablo Chuc and Don Hunbatz Men